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And the winner is...

Happy New Year to everyone !

Congratulations to the winners.

They have been calculated/determined by your ratings and level of participation (the more rates the more weight your vote had on the average).


h2. 1St Prize : “Meeximus”:/users/286.

Apart from the image she has won for (this beautiful evocation of “Gold Rush”) you’ll find on “her personal page”:/users/286 a great set of fun and creative pictures.

PS : don’t forget to click on the pictures to enlarge them.


h2. 2nd Prize “h_essay”:/users/200

“h_essay”:/users/200 has many great pictures as well, we find both touching and funny (like the one where she makes a face at Buster Keaton). And we would like to thank her for the refreshing enthusiasm she has shown on our website.


h2. 3rd Prize “silent_twenties”:/users/131

“silent_twenties”:/users/131 made a great homage to “the kid”, we believe it’s a shame they didn’t get better ratings, she still has won the third prize for this very Chaplin-like picture of the little tramp sleeping on a bench.


h2. 4th Prize : “dingoesatmycamera”:/users/352

“dingoesatmycamera”:/users/352 finally fourth prize for this well designed picture echoing a famous picture of Charlie Chaplin in his 50s. Great work!

We thank all of you for your photos, enthusiasm and homage to Charlie Chaplin.

Keep in touch, we hope to organize a new competition soon…