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Advent Calendar

Charlie Chaplin died on December 25, 1977, but his Little Tramp has never stopped making kids laugh. And what more joyous occasion than Christmas for them to (re)discover his genius.

This December, we’re trading in the traditional white beard for Chaplin’s little black moustache, bringing you each day the many facets of the Tramp with our Advent Calendar where each window contains a letter from his alphabet.

What!? You don’t know the Charlie Chaplin ABCs? Well, there’s A for Animals, B for Bed, C for Clo… Oops! Spoiler alert. We’ve said too much already. We’ll let you find out the rest for yourself. Come back each day for a new video on our home page.

For some extra fun, you can also learn some French with Charlot with our Calendrier de l’Avent en français !

A Christmas Full of Sparkle at Chaplin's World

Forty years ago, on Christmas morning, Charlie Chaplin died in his sleep, surrounded by his loved ones. His Swiss home, the Manoir de Ban, is now a museum. To pay homage to the man who elevated cinema from an industry to an art form, Chaplin’s World by Grévin has initiated a series of commemorations that bring to life the legacy of this global film icon.

As a tribute to Chaplin, all around his beloved Manoir de Ban, Chaplin’s World will be lit up like a Christmas wonderland. Throughout the school holidays, discount tickets will be available and young and old can enjoy static flights over the Manoir de Ban in a hot air balloon. Visit Chaplin’s World’s website for details.

New Limited Edition DVD Release: Behind Chaplin's Genius

October 23rd is the official release date for Lobster Films’ numbered limited edition release of a 16 mm film can containing DVDs of Sydney, The Other Chaplin (2017), their brilliant new documentary on Sydney Chaplin (Charlie’s brother), and The Birth of The Tramp (2013), a documentary on Charlie Chaplin. There are also some other great bonuses and goodies. Visit the Lobster Films web shop for more details.

Help Fund a Keaton / Chaplin Plaque in Los Angeles

At the intersection of Lillian Way and Eleanor Avenue in Los Angeles, California, there once stood a studio used by Charlie Chaplin to create 12 of his finest short films, and by Buster Keaton to produce all 19 of his silent shorts and his 10 silent feature films. In 1988, a plaque was placed to mark the location of this hallowed Hollywood ground. But it has a few problems. Firstly it doesn’t actually mark this location; it was placed, unbelievably, on the wrong corner. It also makes no mention of Chaplin at all. And finally, after years of foot traffic, the poorly made plaque can barely be read.

It’s time to change all that. The International Buster Keaton Society, with the support of the Chaplin Office, has designed a new plaque to properly honor these giants of cinema. They have been working for two years with the city of Los Angeles, and have gotten final approval for this project. They also have a plaque maker ready to go. All they need now is the funding. And that’s where you come in. Go to the Keaton 100 website to help be part of history. Thank you.