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Criterion to release City Lights

Criterion is releasing Chaplin’s City Lights on DVD/Blu-ray on November 12, 2013.

Pre-order yours today!

CL Criterion

Disc Features

-New digital restoration from a 4K film transfer, with uncompressed monaural soundtrack on the Blu-ray

-New audio commentary by Charlie Chaplin biographer Jeffrey Vance

-Chaplin Today: “City Lights,” a 2003 documentary on the film, featuring Aardman Animations cofounder Peter Lord

-Chaplin Studios: Creative Freedom by Design, a new interview program featuring visual effects expert Craig Barron

-Archival footage from the production of City Lights, including film from the set, with audio commentary by Chaplin historian Hooman Mehran; a costume test; a rehearsal; and a complete scene not used in the film

-Excerpt from Chaplin’s short film The Champion (1915), along with footage of the director with boxing stars at Chaplin Studios in 1918


-One Blu-ray and one DVD, with all content available in both formats

-PLUS: A booklet featuring an essay by critic Gary Giddins and a 1966 interview with Chaplin

Pre-order today!

Chaplin Figurine

i{1643-filename-big} Further to the highly popular poll on our Facebook page in November 2012, Iminime Co., Ltd in South Korea has created this innovative Charlie Chaplin figurine.


If you would like to pre-order one now, here is their list of official distributors.

Estimated shipping: May to June 2013

US Distributors: Diamond Comic Distribution & 7-hobby

China Distributor: BBICN

Japan Distributor: Red Mercury

Singapore Distributor: The Falcon’s Hanger

Thailand Distributors: ToysStation & Playmaxx

U.K Distributors: ToyHQ & OnesixthBruce

Italy distributor: ToysHeroes

U.A.E(Dubai) Distributor: Cinemaone

South Africa Distributor: Hobby Island

Malaysia Distributor: Robotica Toys i{1641-filename-big}

"The Gold Rush" New Release.

The Gold Rush (DVD & Blu-ray) was released by Criterion in the US.

It has both the 1925 version and the 1942 version with the music composed by Chaplin specially adapted by Timothy Brock for our Live Performances.

It also has new bonuses and a wonderful cover.

You might be interested by the restoration details of Criterion.

We also recommend reading some intersting insights on “The Gold Rush” in the New York Times notably the evolution of Georgia Hales character from one version to the other.

The Gentleman Tramp Special Dvd Release

In 1975, filmmaker Richard Patterson produced a documentary on Charles Chaplin which was the first such film that included scenes from later films including City Lights, Modern Times, The Great Dictator, Verdoux, Limelight, etc. It also contains footage of Chaplin from decades worth of newsreels, home movies, the historic Oscar telecast from 1972 and footage taken of him at his home in Vevey in 1974. He is the only person who had full access to Charlie and Oona and was able to film them at their home. Walter Matthau, Laurence Olivier and Jack Lemmon provide various narration as well as some the finest voice talents in Hollywood.

“The Gentleman Tramp” is one of the finest documentaries on Chaplin and is not a talking heads documentary. Rather, it unfolds in pictures and story through the use of transcripts, film sequences, news articles, memoribilia and all in the space of seventy eight minutes. It’s visual style and swift pace makes it one of the best and most entertaining film documentaries you’re likely to see.

Once available on VHS (and on twenty five 16mm prints released to libraries and universities), Richard Patterson has produced eight hundred limited edition DVD sets of his loving and sometimes brutally honest depiction of the Little Tramp. The film was mastered from the original film elements and is breathtaking to behold. Instead of selling them at a premium, Richard Patterson has released them through and is selling them for $10 plus shipping! You will be buying them direct from Mr. Patterson.

Chaplin on T-shirts !

If you haven’t noticed yet, there is a new shop in our products section with “great T-shirts”: designed by french graphists Marion Kueny and Cécile Binjamin on American Apparel and regular T-shirts.

Remember summer’s coming, if you’re a Chaplin fan, they’re a must have !

7 days FREE SHIPPING starting on monday march 15

“Get one know!”:

"Unknown Chaplin" Reissue

Reissue box set of The Unknown Chaplin DVD and book, edited by “La Cineteca di Bologna”:

Unknown Chaplin is Kevin Brownlow and David Gill 1983 fanstastic documentary insight into Chaplin’s work. Featuring out-takes from Chaplin’s films, and other rare footage, “Unknown Chaplin”: gives a valuable insight into the creation of Chaplin’s films.

Also included are interviews with people who knew and worked with Chaplin. The documentary is in three parts: My Happiest Years, Hidden Treasures and “The Great Director”.