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Medium the dictator   the tramp

Chaplin: The Dictator and the Tramp

The Dictator and the Tramp is a collection of essays about Charles Chaplin (1889-1977) written by some of the world’s leading authorities on chaplin and early film comedy. The primary focus of the volume is Chaplin’s 1940 film satire on Nazi Germany, “The Great Dictator”. This film has recently attracted intense interest during its wide international theatrical and DVD re-release. “The Great Dictator” is also the subject of a remarkable documentary, The Tramp and the Dictator, by the distinguished historian and film maker Kevin Brownlow, who serves as adviser to this publication, and has made available research material and interviews gathered in the course of the production.

Other advisers and contributors are David Robinson, Chaplin’s principal biographer as well as the first Research Foundation, Eric James, Chaplin’s long-time music associate, Glenn Mitchell, author of the Chaplin Encyclopaedia, Bonnie McCourt, Dan Kamin and Bo Berglund.

The essays have been assembled and edited by associate Professor Frank Scheide of the University of Arkansas and Hooman Mehran. Scheide and Mehran intended Chaplin : The Dictator And The Tramp to be the first of a series of paperback volumes that will offer in-depht analysis and research on Chaplin, his films, his contemporaries and his times.

By Frank M Scheide, Hooman Mehran, Dan Kamin, British Film Institute, Charlie Chaplin Research Foundation, University of Arkansas.

Website: “Chaplin Review”: