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A new DVD: Unknown Chaplin The Master at work

A documentary from silent film historians Kevin Brownlow and David Gill. Featuring never before seen out-takes from Chaplin’s films, and other rare footage, Unknown Chaplin gives a valuable insight into the creation of Chaplin’s films. Also included are interviews with people who knew and worked with Chaplin. The documentary is in three parts: My Happiest Years; Hidden Treasures; and The Great Director. Accompanied by excellent music by Carl Davis, some adapted from Chaplin’s own music.

Distributed by Network in UK and it has also been released in the US

Lovely tins & metal cards

Lovely tin signs and tin boxes Charlie Chaplin now distributed by “Cartexpo”:

Mutual Chaplin Films DVD, April 2006

A special DVD release of all the restored Mutual Chaplin films with newly composed scores by Carl Davis conducting the Prague Philharmonic Orchestra. Twelve films directed and written by Charlie Chaplin.

Distribution for UK with The British Film Institute and with ARTE in France.

A Special Pack by Image Entertainment for North America containing The restored Mutual Films and the famous documentary: The Gentleman Tramp is planned for distribution.
A documentary on Charlie Chaplin made by Richard Patterson in 1975.

Please see: “Image Entertainment”:

Chaplin at Leicester Square, London April 2006

To celebrate the contribution of Charlie Chaplin to cinema and filmmaking, some of his best-known feature length films, plus selected shorts, will be screened in Leicester Square on St George’s Day, Sunday 23 April. This fitting location, the home of British cinema, also has a statue of Chaplin created by sculptor John Doubleday.

Organised by the Mayor of London with assistance from Association Chaplin, MK2 and the British Film Institute, this free event also includes children’s activities and workshops, plus street entertainment, Chaplin style. Everyone is welcome to this unique, free film event.

Born in 1889 in Walworth, South London, Charlie Chaplin left England to tour the US as a clown with Fred Karno’s slapstick company in 1912. He made his first films in 1914 and in the years that followed went on to achieve enormous acclaim and popularity as an actor, director, composer, writer and producer, but most notably with his portrayal of ‘the Tramp’ in films that continue to have universal appeal to this day.

Programme (times are subject to confirmation):

  • 12pm : A Dog’s Life (1918)

  • 12.40pm : “The Kid”:/en/articles/3 (1921)

Charlie Chaplin’s first full-length film. Co-starring five-year-old Jackie Coogan, “The Kid”:/en/articles/3 is the story of a child abandoned in a limousine by his unwed mother. When the Little Tramp finds him, he tries unsuccessfully to find a home for the boy. Obliged to keep him, the Little Tramp teaches the youngster about life on the streets.

  • 2pm : (3 shorts) Kid Auto Races, A Film Johnnie and Mabel at the Wheel (1914)

BFI restored Keystone Film Company shorts with live piano accompaniment

  • 2.50pm : “The Gold Rush”:/en/articles/5 (1925, 1942)

Chaplin’s irrepressible Little Tramp seeks riches in the Yukon in this all time classic. Leave it to the Tramp as he turns hard times into hilarity as he savours a Thanksgiving feast of boiled shoe, slips outside a house teetering on a cliff and faces all manner of perils with pluck and fortitude. The 1942 re-release of the 1925 original with sound track and narration by Chaplin will be screened.

  • 4.30pm “Modern Times”:/en/articles/6 (1936)

One of the happiest and most light hearted of the Chaplin pictures. Man v Machine! Chaplin’s Little Tramp plays an assembly line worker fighting back against the mind numbing monotony and time clock rigidity of industrialism.

(Film notes from “The Chaplin Collection”)

Leicester Square, London WC2
Sunday 23 April 2006, 12pm - 6.00pm
St George’s day 2006

Please see: “BFI”

Journée d'études et de projections Chaplin

Academie de France à Rome Villa Medicis * Mardi 11 avril 2006 :

Figure du XXe siècle, Charles Chaplin nous a laissé une oeuvre dont la modernité ne cesse de rejaillir. Gräce à un accés aux archives Chaplin conservées à Paris par l’Association Chaplin, la Cinémathèque de Bologne a pu entreprendre, dés 1999, un ambitieux programme de restauration et de numérisation de l’oeuvre de Chaplin.

Les premiers films Chaplin produits en 1914 par la Keystone étaient jusqu’alors rarement disponibles et dans des copies de mauvaise qualité, nous sommes particulièrement heureux de programmer, aujourd’hui, ces copies restaurées.

Deux interventions seront associées aux projections. Gian Luca Farinelli, directeur de la Cinémathèque de Bologne, reviendra sur le Progetto Chaplin qu’il a initié en 1999 ; tandis que Sam Stourdzé, commissaire de l’exposition Chaplin et les images, analysera la force de l’engagement de Chaplin qui conduit à la mort de charlot.

  • 14h30 : Projection de deux premiers courts métrages de Chaplin dans des copies restaurées par la Cineteca di Bologna, le British Film Institute et Lobster.

  • Kid Auto Races (Charlot est content de lui), mise en scène Henry Lehrman, avec Charles Chaplin. Keystone Film Company, sortie le 7 février 1914 (2ième film). Environ 7 min.

  • His Musical Career (Charlot déménageur), mise en scéne Charles Chaplin. Keystone Film Company, sortie le 7 novembre 1914 (31ième film). Environ 14 min.
  • 15h : Présentation du Progetto Chaplin de la Cinémathèque de Bologne, projet de restauration de l’oeuvre cinématographique de Chaplin et de numérisation totale des archives papiers de l’Association Chaplin. Par Gian Luca Farinelli, directeur de la Cineteca di Bologna
  • 16h : Projections d’une sélection des premiers courts métrages de Chaplin produits par la Keystone dans des copies restaurées par la Cineteca di Bologna.
  • Mabel’s Married Life (Charlot et le mannequin), mise en scène Charles Chaplin. Keystone Film Company, sortie le 20 juin 1914 (19ième film). Environ 14 min.
  • The Masquerader (Charlot grande coquette), mise en scéne Charles Chaplin. Keystone Film Company, sortie le 27 août 1914 (24ième film). Environ 14 min.
  • A Busy Day (Madame Charlot), mise en scéne Charles Chaplin ( ?). Keystone Film Company, sortie le 7 mai 1914 (14ième film). Environ 5 min.
  • The Knockout (Charlot et Fatty dans le ring), mise en scéne Charles Avery. Keystone Film Company, sortie le 11 juin 1914 (17ième film). Environ 20 min
  • “City Lights”:/en/articles/4 (Les Lumières de la ville), extrait (scéne du combat de boxe), mise en scéne Charles Chaplin. United Artists, sortie le 1931 (75ième film). Extrait. Environ 5 min.
  • 18h : Chaplin politique par Sam Stourdzé
  • 21h : Projections d’une sélection des premiers courts métrages de Chaplin produits par la Keystone (1914) dans des copies restaurées par la Cineteca di Bologna, le British Film Institute et Lobster, et autres films rares.
  • Making a Living (Pour Gagner sa vie), mise en scéne Henry Lehrman, avec Charles Chaplin. Keystone Film Company, sortie le 2 février 1914 (1er film dans lequel apparaît Chaplin). Environ 14 min.
  • Mabel’s Busy Day (Charlot et les saucisses), mise en scène Mabel Normand, avec Charles Chaplin. Keystone Film Company, sortie le 13 juin 1914 (18ième film). Environ 14 min.
  • Mabel at the Wheel (Mabel au volant), mise en scène Mabel Normand et Mack Sennett. Keystone Film Company, sortie le 18 avril 1914 (10ième film). Environ 20 min.
  • A Film Johnnie (Charlot fait du cinéma), mise en scène George Nichols. Keystone Film Company, sortie le 2 mars 1914 (5ième film). Environ 14 min.
  • Scène coupée de “City Lights”:/en/articles/4 (Les Lumières de la ville), mise en scène Charles Chaplin. United Artists, 1931 (75ième film). Environ 7 min.
  • Sélection de Home Movies (Films de famille), vers 1950-1970. Environ 5 min.
  • Making of sur le tournage de The Great Dictector (Le Dictateur), extrait, vers 1939-1940. Environ 3 min.

The Chaplin-kono Conference in Japan March 2006

The Chaplin Society of Japan will hold the Chaplin-Kono Conference in Kyoto in Japan from the 25th to 27th of March 2006.The aim of the Chaplin-Kono Conference is to reassess Charlie Chaplin and his secretary Kono Totaichi. Kono worked for Chaplin from 1916 to 1934 and was Chaplin’s right hand man. But little is known about him. However a lot of new materials were found recently and Kono’s biography is becoming clear.

There will also be an exhibition of the huge amount of collection by Higashijima Tomie’s large collection, wich includes Chaplin’s portrait with his autograph for Kono, Chaplin’s train ticket, Virginia Cherrill’s portrait with her autograph for Kono, more than 300 precious photos such as Chaplin and Al Jolson or Kono and Laurel and Hardy or Ida Lupino, Kono’s own srapbook with a lot of precious newspaper clippings from those days, more than 500 pieces of letters to Kono and Chaplin and so on.

Ms Higashijima Tomie, Kono’s second wife, will talk about her memories of Kono.This conference and exhibition will offer new information on Chaplin.

We are looking for papers for the Chaplin-Kono Conference. The main emphasis is on Chaplin and Kono or Chaplin’s international influence. But papers do not neccessarily have to be on these topics. We are calling for papers on a wide range of Chaplin study. If you would like to contribute, please inform us by the end of January 2006.

Please contact:

Ono Hiroyuki The Chaplin Society of Japan Tel/Fax +81 (0)75-751-2992 [The Chaplin Society of Japan->]}}

March 25th 2006:

  • Professor Frank Scheide “The influence of English Music Hall on the Nonverbal Expression of Charles Spencer Chaplin”.

  • Cecilia Ceaciarelli from {The Cineteca di Bologna} will talk about Chaplin’s unmade project.

  • Davide Pozzi from {The Cineteca di Bologna}will talk about restoration of Chaplin’s films with a screening of Keystone films.

  • Professor Kathryn Millard will talk about Chaplin’s imitators and will screen clips from her new documentary on Chaplin’s imitators.

March 26th 2006:

  • Professor Nakagaki Kotaro “Chaplin and American culture”

  • Professor Hattori Yuki “The History of Japan’s acceptance of Chaplin”

  • David Robinson will talk about Music Hall and Chaplin.

  • Ono Hiroyuki will talk about “Chaplin and Japan “Kono Toraichi”

  • Clyde Kusatsu will talk about Kono and will screen clips from his new documentary on Kono: Chaplin’s driver.

  • Professor Constance B.Kuriyama will talk about Kono and von Ulm.

  • Higashijima Tomie will talk about her husband Kono

  • The actress Kuroyanagi Tomie will talk about Chaplin, whom she met in New York in 1972.

  • Josephine Chaplin will talk about her father, interviewed by Ono Hiroyuki.