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Charlie Chaplin Film Festival in Waterville

Many agree that the Charlie Chaplin Film Festival in Waterville (Ireland) was a great success.

Charlie Chaplin used to go there with his family for holidays, and following the tradition, 2 of his daughters are still regular visitors of this beautiful spot.

A statue of Chaplin facing the sea is a local touristic attraction : you can see it lost in its immortality, contemplating seagulls and who knows, maybe somewhere above the Ocean, good ol’ United States where all the glory began…

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But melancholy is not in the Little Tramp’s nature and one might speculate that the vivid spirit of the ‘funniest man in the world’ inspired the local villagers to bring some animation in.


And so the Charlie Chaplin Film Festival was born with the aim to have a lot of fun and retribute new and aspiring filmmakers whose creations would honour Chaplin’s irreverence, integrity, honesty, humour and warmth…

Renowned Film Makers and Chaplin Experts have come to assist, judge and enlighten the festival with their insights.


So we wanted to congratulate the Happy winners of the first ever ‘Charlie’ Awards at the Charlie Chaplin Comedy Film Festival 2011 :

  • Alice O’ Sullivan for ‘Tearing Strips’
  • Ciro Altabas for ‘Manual practico del amigo imaginario’
  • Paddy Hayes for ‘Diabhal ag an damhsa’
  • Mark Holland for ‘Gailge Bhriste’

…recipients of the first ever ‘Charlie’ awards.


And also the wonderfull people who made that event possible….

Retrospective of Chaplin and Keaton in Hong Kong

Presented by the Film Programmes Office of the Leisure and Cultural Services Department, 26 films of the two masters will be screened from September 2 to October 23 at the Cinema of the Hong Kong Film Archive (HKFA) and the Lecture Halls of the Hong Kong Space Museum and the Hong Kong Science Museum.

Among the screenings of Chaplin’s films : “A Dog’s Life” (1918); “The Kid” (1921); “The Idle Class” (1921); “The Gold Rush” (1925); “The Circus” (1928), which was nominated for four awards in the first Oscars ceremony;”City Lights” (1931); “Modern Times” (1936)…

You’ll find all the information on 7thSpace website.

The Chaplin College ! (in Switzerland))


Le collège des Crosets entre Corsier et Vevey en Suisse a décidé de se consacrer à Chaplin. Toutes les classes y ayant participé, c’est un décor entièrement Charlot qui accueille le visiteur.

Les plus petits se sont déguisés et se sont pris en photo, les plus grands ont dansé, et tous ont peint, dessiné, créé de centaines de CHARLOTS

Ils ont regardé les films, ils ont travaillé sur des mots, sur le noir et blanc, sur le mime.

Les enseignants ont pu découvrir l’ outil de travail utile que peut être Chaplin et son œuvre…pour parler de la danse, de l’histoire, du theâtre, du cinema…et peut être même pour apprendre l’anglais.

C’est un travail magnifique et impressionnant, jamais on a vu autant de Charlots en un seul endroit. BRAVO à tous.

L’Album Photo sur notre Page Facebook


The college des Crosets near Corsier in Switzerland decided to concentrate on Chaplin. All the classes came up with different things – and the whole school is decorated à la Chaplin.

The youngest ones dressed up and had their photos taken, the elder ones danced, and they all painted, drew, created hundreds of Chaplins.

They watched films, worked on words and on black and white, studied mime.

The teachers had the opportunity to see what a useful tool for learning Chaplin and his work can be – to study dance, history, theatre, cinema…and maybe even to learn English.

This is an incredibly wonderful exhibition – we have never seen so many Chaplins in one place. Congratulations to all.

The Photo Album on our Facebook Page

Who is Charlie Chaplin ?

We don’t know but you may want to ask those guys in london in 1921 ?


or these berliners in 1931 ?


Maybe Churchill knows who Chaplin is


Well if Churchill doesn’t I’m sure Einstein does


Ok as a last resort we’ll ask Gandhi, I’m sure he’s heard of him


No really no one knows who the heck Charlie Chaplin is ?

Oh well he’s probably just some tramp

